Female, 62 year(s)
The patient presented with a 4 month history of changed bowel habit and blood in the stool. Rectoscopy revealed a 4cm tumour in the lower rectum. Before treatment, high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvis was performed.
T2WI示直肠下段可见直径约4cm的息肉样肿块,肿块尚未累及固有层,直肠周围间隙也无明显受侵。盆腔内未见明显肿大淋巴结。MRI诊断为T0-T1 N0期直肠癌。
Sagittal T2-weighted turbo spin-echo image showing polypoid tumour in the rectal wall (arrow).
矢状位T2WI TSE图像示直肠壁息肉样肿块(箭头所示)。
Axial T2-weighted turbo spin-echo image showing polypoid tumour in the rectal wall (arrow). The surgical excision plane when removing rectal tumours with total mesorectal excision is marked with a dotted line.
横断位T2WI TSE序列可见直肠壁息肉样肿块。虚线标记为直肠肿块及直肠全系膜切除术的计划切除区域。
For many years, clinical examination by digital examination, rectoscopy and histological analysis of a biopsy specimen was considered to be sufficient for treatment planning.
Now, new imaging techniques such as endorectal ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging allow presurgical assessment of tumour spread and metastatic pathways. These can greatly improve tumour staging in the individual patient. The particular benefit of ultrasonography is the possibility of visualising up to five layers of the rectal wall and thus determining the degree of tumour infiltration within the rectal wall. Tumours limited to the mucosa and submucosa (T0-T1) without lymph node metastases may be locally resected.
MRI is being used more and more in preoperative evaluation since the relationship between the tumour, the rectal wall and the mesorectal fascia can be visualised. The mesorectal fascia constitutes the surgical resection plane when performing a total mesorectal excision of the rectum. If this resection plane is involved by tumour, the risk of local tumour recurrence is high.