
31 8 月


A 56-year-old man presents with worsening headache following a fall one week prior.



1.There is midline shift.




2.There is sulcal effacement.




3.What is the most likely etiology of the above finding?


Subacute epidural hematomas 亚急性期硬膜外血肿

Subacute subdural hematomas 亚急性期硬膜下血肿

Subdural effusions 硬膜下积液

Subdural empyemas 硬膜下积脓


Follow-up CT images

Bilateral burr holes are placed for drainage of the subdural hematomas. In the immediate postoperative period, the patient develops worsening headache and confusion.Follow-up images from unenhanced CT of the head are shown below.




4.There is subfalcine herniation.




5.There is interhemispheric air between the tips of the frontal lobes.




6.Which of the following imaging signs is present above?


Peaking sign 山峰征

Mount Fuji sign 富士山征

Air bubble sign 小气泡征

Canyon sign

7.What is the diagnosis?


Incomplete drainage of subdural hematomas 硬膜下血肿引流不完全

Expected postoperative pneumocephalus 术后颅内积气

Tension pneumocephalus 张力性气颅

Iatrogenic intracranial hemorrhage 医源性颅内出血

Obstructive hydrocephalus 梗阻性脑积水

8.What is the appropriate management for this patient?


Follow-up CT scan in 24 hours 24小时后复查CT

Discharge with outpatient follow-up CT in one month 出院,一个月后复查CT、门诊随访

Mannitol and observation 甘露醇 密切观察

Emergent surgical decompression 急诊手术减压


Postprocedure CT images

The patient undergoes surgical decompression of the tension pneumocephalus.Postprocedure unenhanced CT images of the head are shown below.




9.There is persistent tension pneumocephalus.




10.Which of the following is the most common etiology of tension pneumocephalus?


Penetrating craniofacial trauma 颅面部穿通伤

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery 鼻窦内镜检查

Burr hole drainage of subdural collections 硬膜下积液钻孔引流术

Idiopathic 自发性




  1. False

  2. True
  3. Subacute subdural hematomas
  4. False
  5. True
  6. Mount Fuji sign
  7. Tension pneumocephalus
  8. Emergent surgical decompression
  9. False
  10. Burr hole drainage of subdural collections


Findings and Diagnosis


  • Initial unenhanced CT of the head: There are bilateral crescentic hypodense subdural collections, consistent with subacute subdural hematomas, in this patient with history of fall and head trauma. There is mild mass effect on the brain parenchyma with sulcal effacement. There is no midline shift or hydrocephalus.最初的头颅CT平扫示双侧硬膜下新月形低密度影,结合患者头颅外伤病史,考虑为亚急性期硬膜下血肿。脑实质占位效应明显,脑沟变浅。中线结构无移位,无脑积水。
  • Unenhanced CT of the head following burr hole placement: Following bilateral burr hole placement for drainage of the subdural hematomas, there is pneumocephalus, predominantly overlying the bilateral frontal lobes, with mass effect on the brain parenchyma. The pneumocephalus widens the interhemispheric fissure and causes a triangular conformation of the anterior tips of the bilateral frontal lobes, which is termed the “Mount Fuji sign” 钻孔引流术后复查头颅CT平扫可见颅内气体沿双侧额叶分布,脑实质受压。大脑纵裂增宽,双侧额叶之间顶端形成三角形样结构,即“富士山征”【双语病例】张力性气颅
  • Unenhanced CT of the head following decompression of pneumocephalus:The patient undergoes surgical decompression of the tension pneumocephalus. CT scan demonstrates markedly improved mass effect on the brain parenchyma and resolution of Mount Fuji sign with small amount of residual pneumocephalus and heterogeneous subdural collection along the frontal convexities.
Differential Diagnosis

  • Tension pneumocephalus 张力性气颅
  • Nontension pneumocephalus 非张力性气颅
DiagnosisTension pneumocephalus





  • Pneumocephalus caused by entry of gas into the cranial vault via a dural defect.气体通过硬脑膜的缺损进入颅内引起气颅。
  • Tension physiology contributes to continued increase in intracranial pressure and mass effect on brain parenchyma. Proposed mechanisms include the following:张力性气颅使颅内压不断增高,脑实质受压。其病因包括:
    • Ball-valve mechanism, whereby air enters the cranial cavity and is trapped.活瓣效应使气体易进入颅腔,但无法排出。
    • Continuous leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leading to negative intracranial pressure, drawing in air.脑脊液持续流失,颅压降低,吸入空气。
  • Tension pneumocephalus most commonly occurs following drainage of subdural collections (ranging from 2.5% to 16% of cases). Other etiologies include craniofacial surgery and trauma.张力性气颅最常发生于硬膜下积液钻孔引流术后(发生率约2.5%-16%)。其他病因包括颅面部手术、外伤等。
  • It’s important to distinguish from nontension pneumocephalus, as tension physiology is a neurosurgical emergency.由于张力性气颅需要急诊手术处理,所以与非张力性气颅鉴别非常重要。
  • Untreated, tension pneumocephalus can lead to brainstem herniation and death.张力性气颅不经处理,可引起脑疝,导致死亡。

Clinical Presentation

Patients present with a nonspecific spectrum of clinical symptoms, including headache, focal neurologic deficits, confusion, and seizures.


CT Feature

Mount Fuji sign refers to the characteristic appearance of the frontal lobes on axial images.横断位图像双侧额叶之间可见“富士山征”是本病的特征性表现。

  • Cortical veins tether the tips of the frontal lobes.双侧额叶之间顶端的皮层静脉相互牵拉。
  • Pneumocephalus collapses the adjacent parenchyma and widens the interhemispheric fissure, manifesting in a triangular conformation of the frontal lobe tips. Entrance of air into the interhemispheric space implies higher pressure than surface tension of cerebrospinal fluid.颅内气体压迫脑实质,使大脑纵裂增宽,双侧额叶之间形成三角形结构。气体进入双侧大脑半球之间,提示颅内压高于脑脊液压力。

Differential Diagnosis

Nontension pneumocephalus



  • Emergent decompression is performed to reduce mass effect on parenchyma. Methods include needle aspiration, burr hole placement, craniotomy, and ventriculostomy.急诊手术减压,方法包括:穿刺、钻孔、开颅、脑室造口引流等。
  • Effective treatment is evidenced by improvement in imaging findings.术后复查CT,脑实质受压情况好转提示治疗有效。


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