【双语病例】Hepatic fungal abscesses 真菌性肝脓肿MR一例

28 7 月

57-year-old woman with a history of PBC status post cadaveric liver transplantation 5 years ago


*PBC:英文缩写很多,小编能查到最合理的就是primary biliary cirrhosis,原发性胆汁性肝硬化。

Fig 2.10.1 T2WI脂肪抑制:

【双语病例】Hepatic fungal abscesses 真菌性肝脓肿一例

Fig 2.10.2 DWI(b=100 s/mm2):

【双语病例】Hepatic fungal abscesses 真菌性肝脓肿一例

Fig 2.10.3 3D SPGR增强扫描门脉期:

【双语病例】Hepatic fungal abscesses 真菌性肝脓肿一例

Imaging Findings

Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted FSE (Figure 2.10.1) and axial diffusion-weighted (b=100 s/mm2) (Figure 2.10.2) images demonstrate diffuse,small hyperintense nodules throughout the liver. Axial portal venous phase postgadolinium 3D SPGR images (Figure 2.10.3) reveal rim enhancement of the nodules.

横断位T2WI脂肪抑制FSE序列及DWI(b=100 s/mm2) 序列示:肝内多发小结节状高信号,呈散在弥漫分布。

3D SPGR增强扫描门静脉期图像示肝内结节呈环形强化。


Hepatic fungal abscesses



Hepatic fungal abscesses typically occur in immunocompromised patients who have had episodes of neutropenia.


The classic appearance of fungal hepatic infection on MRI is micro abscesses—multiple small foci with high T2-signal intensity. Several variations of this theme have been described in the literature, likely corresponding to different phases of the disease.

In the acute setting, T2-weighted images (or diffusion-weighted images)demonstrate small foci of high signal intensity. Many patients also have transfusional hemosiderosis, and therefore the contrast between the small hyperintense abscesses and the dark background liver is accentuated. In the acute phase, postgadolinium images may be somewhat less sensitive than T2-weighted images when the immune response has not yet been sufficient to generate noticeable rim enhancement. In the subacute phase, rim enhancement becomes more prominent on post gadolinium SPGR images, with persistent hyperintensity on T2-weighted images. Many authors have described a rim of dark signal surrounding the central abscess on all imaging sequences, and this is thought to represent iron-containing macro phages accumulating around the periphery of the abscess (iron storage is in their job description as members of the reticuloendothelial system). This finding is not universally present (it’s not seen in this patient,for example) but can be quite impressive, as illustrated by Case 2.11.





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