
28 9 月


Multidetector CT Angiography for Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Technique and Findings


Acute gastrointestinal bleeding is acommon, potentially life-threatening condition responsible for 1%–2% of allhospital admissions (1), with the estimated rate in theUnited Statesreaching 375 admissions per 100,000 persons per year in some series (2–4).Acute gastrointestinal bleeding is more common in men than women (M/F ratio,2:1). The incidence increases with age, with 70% of patients older than 65years (1,5). In addition, acute gastrointestinal bleeding frequently occurs asa complication in critically ill adults who are admitted with other primarydiagnoses and complicates their clinical course (1). Mortality ranges between19% and 40% and increases with (a)older age, (b)thepresence of shock, and (c)associated underlying comorbidities (6–8). Varicealhemorrhage is associated with a mortality rate of 15%–40%, a rate higher thanthat from other causes of acute gastrointestinal bleeding (1,9).

急性消化道出血是一种常见的,可危及生命的疾病,约占所有住院病人1%-2%,据估计美国每年平均10万人中有375人因消化道出血而入院。急性消化道出血男性略多于女性(男女比例约21),发病率随年龄增大而升高,约75%的患者年龄大于65岁。此外,因其他原因入院的危重成人,可以并发急性消化道出血,使病情更加复杂。急性消化道出血死亡率约19%-40%,可以引起死亡率增高的原因包括(a)年龄增大, (b)休克,(c)合并其他并发症。与静脉曲张相关的急性消化道出血死亡率高达15%-40%,高于其他原因所致的急性消化道出血。

The framework for triage of patients withgastrointestinal bleeding varies on the basis of its source—upper or lowergastrointestinal tract—with important differences in terms of epidemiology,clinical management, and prognosis (10,11). Compared with lowergastrointestinal tract bleeding, upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding tends toaffect younger people. Because the rate of occurrence of lower gastrointestinaltract bleeding events increases with age, hospitalizations that are due togastrointestinal bleeding in the elderly are more likely to be caused bylesions of the lower gastrointestinal tract (12). Moreover, better control ofpeptic ulcers secondary to Helicobacter pyloriinfection, the increasing use ofgastroprotectant treatment, and the progressive aging of Western populations,combined with an increased use of antiplatelet therapy and anticoagulanttherapy, are changing the epidemiology of hospitalizations for gastrointestinalbleeding. In the findings from recent studies, investigators have pointed outthat the rates of hospitalization for patients with upper and those with lowergastrointestinal tract bleeding are becoming similar, with poorer outcomes andhigher resource utilization for lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding events(3,13).


Identification of the source and cause ofbleeding helps guide therapeutic decisions, and for years, clinical managementhas been focused mainly on endoscopic findings. Endoscopy represents a safe andeffective method for the diagnosis and, often, the treatment of patients withgastrointestinal bleeding, with sensitivity and specificity approaching 98% and100%, respectively. Nevertheless, implementation of endoscopic procedures inthe emergency setting usually poses a variety of challenges, such as variable availabilityof the service and an insufficient time window to perform adequate bowelpreparation in the most serious cases. Mucosal visualization is poor owing tothe presence of intraluminal blood clots and other intestinal contents, and thedistal portion of the duodenum and the small bowel are not routinely accessed(14). Because of its ability to be used to wash and aspirate the gastriccontents, esophagogastroduodenoscopy is clearly the first-line tool fordiagnosis and treatment of upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding. On thecontrary, urgent colonoscopy remains challenging for assessment of acute lowergastrointestinal tract bleeding because this procedure can be used to identifythe source of bleeding in only 13% of cases in some series (15). A specificcause cannot be identified with endoscopy or subsequent workup in as many as20% of patients with lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding and as many as 14%of patients with upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding (3)


Other techniques, such as scintigraphy withtechnetium 99m (99mTc)–labeled red blood cells or 99mTc–sulfur colloid,enteroscopy, and video capsule endoscopy, are not universally accessible in theemergency setting (16). Catheter angiography and emergency surgery are optionsfor patients with massive life-threatening bleeding and should be used ideallyas targeted therapeutic procedures (5).


The purpose of this article is to summarizethe role of computed tomographic (CT) angiography in the evaluation of acutegastrointestinal bleeding. First, the clinical context in which radiologistswill encounter patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding in the emergencysetting is summarized. Then the initial diagnostic evaluation is described,followed by the role of endoscopy. The rationale for incorporatingmultidetector CT angiography as a useful alternative in the diagnosticalgorithm for these patients is explained, along with the CT imaging techniqueand protocol. The most common CT angiographic imaging findings are reviewed,including active bleeding (blush) and recent bleeding (clots) and their causes.Finally, imaging artifacts and potential pitfalls encountered in the setting ofacute gastrointestinal bleeding are identified.








图3:66岁女性上消化道出血,内镜提示十二指肠乳头活动性出血(胆道出血)。a胆囊内高密度胆汁(g)提示出血,胆囊结石 (s)。b门脉期示胆囊腔内假性动脉瘤(a)和继发性胆囊炎。c冠状位MIP显示稍高密度影为假性动脉瘤。




































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Although the specific technical parameters used and the phase images acquired vary among institutions, most agree that three-phase examinations that include the unenhanced, arterial, and portal venous phases provide the best and most reproducible results for this clinical application in patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding.


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For CT angiography performed to evaluate acute gastrointestinal bleeding, no oral contrast material is routinely administered.


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Severe bleeding episodes, such as those manifesting with hemodynamic instability, increase the pretest probability of a positive result for active bleeding at CT angiography.


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For detecting active bleeding with CT angiography, the highest sensitivity is achieved by combining findings from the arterial and portal venous phases (28,36); the changing appearance of the focus of extravasated contrast material with time (from the arterial phase to the portal venous phase) unequivocally confirms the presence of bleeding, especially when the unenhanced image shows no hyperattenuating intraluminal material.


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Portal venous phase imaging depicts extravascular blushes with higher sensitivity than arterial phase imaging does because more time has elapsed, which allows the focus of extravasated contrast-enhanced blood to enlarge and increase in attenuation within the lumen of the bowel.



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